No, that's not me. That is Mikael Agricola, ca. 1545, translating the New Testament from Greek and Latin into Finnish. I can only begin to guess how long that took. Had he been able to use modern translation tools, such as Déjà Vu (my choice for translation memory software) and the Google search, plus the European Union on-line terminology database, his task would have been a whole lot easier. Click here for a quick overview of him and the Finnish language.
I am one of the seven Finnish translators in the U.S.A. that are certified by the American Translators Association. I went to high school and college in Finland but have lived and worked in the United States virtually my entire professional life. With years of engineering work experience in US high tech industry, I am prepared to translate cutting edge technical subjects. My former employers in engineering capacity include companies such as Nokia of Finland, Ericsson of Sweden and Tyco International of Switzerland.
Please click on "My specialties" for more details on areas covered by my translations.