My main areas of expertise:

FINNWORD.COM is a one-man technical, legal and general translation service from and into Finnish. FINNWORD.COM is owned and operated by me, Risto Siikarla. I am a freelance translator, living in Boca Raton, Florida, the birthplace of the IBM PC.


I am certified by American Translators Association for the English into Finnish language pair. On the latest count, there are seven of us in the United States. I am equally comfortable with translating into the opposite direction, for which ATA does not offer a certification program.


In a nutshell:

- native speaker of Finnish, with high school and college education from Finland

- U.S. Citizenship 1981

- BSEE from Helsinki Technical Institute, majoring in wireless  communications

- over 20 years of engineering experience in US High Tech industry

- holder of 4 U.S. Patents.

- 23 years of translation experience, last 18 of which full time

- 1 year as an in-house Technical Translator with Ericsson company of Sweden 


Electrical Engineering, BSEE degree from Helsinki Technical Institute


Mechanical Engineering, completed over 300 translations of Caterpillar manuals


Wireless Communications


Patent Documentation


Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)


Medical Instruments (lasers, patient monitors, lab instruments)


Legal papers, served on Finnish corporations. I have an on-going working relationship for 15 years with APS International, d/b/a Civil Action Group from Minneapolis. Click here to see their website.


Personal papers:

A variety of documents translated for Finnish Consular Offices in the US.